About Our Pleasure Craft Insurance Cover

The history of the UAE was built on its seafaring roots, and we at Pioneer understand the passion you have for the water and will provide help you decide the best cover for you regardless of your water-craft choice, whether it be a yacht or a high-performance vessel.
Like you would your car, insuring your pleasure craft assets ensures your investment in them is safe. Your policy can be limited to the pleasure craft itself, or include all its accessories such as the trailer or anchors.
When insuring your Pleasure-Craft, you not only insure your asset against the perils of the sea such as capsizing or storms, but also protect protect yourself against liability in the case of collisions or accidental death much like you would get with your motor insurance policy.
When it comes to effective pleasure craft insurance, we оffеr а fаst аnd еffісіеnt sеrvісе, buіlt оn trаdіtіоnаl vаluеs аnd bаsеd оn an undеrstаndіng оf your nееds.
For more information about our pleasure craft insurance cover, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Do I need Pleasure Craft Insurance?

For many pleasure-craft owners, their watercraft represent not only represents their passion for the water but also a significant investment of money and time. Pleasurecraft can often be one of the owner’s most valuable assets, as such crafting a dedicated policy to protect your assets and your investment into them is invaluable to all owners.
You wouldn’t think twice about insuring your motor vehicle.